Smart Ambiance

Marco Höwer

Prof. Dr. Fabian Hemmert
Prof. Matthias Schönherr


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Design of a city car interior for future forms of mobility

In the near future, when electric mobility and autonomous driving are the norm, a completely new way of using the interior becomes possible.
Intelligent window panes serve as a large area for the visualisation of information and entertainment contents. By changing the light transmission, it is possible to isolate oneself from the stressful life outside and to experience videos and pictures even more intensively. Passengers are supported by Iva (Intelligent Vehicle Assistant), an artificial intelligence with anthropomorphic characteristics, which adapts the ambiance individually through changes in colour and lighting.
Additionally, the use of magnetic textile in contact surfaces enables intuitive communication in confusing situations, comparable to goosebumps. The contrast between digital and natural elements creates an unique characteristic of the design.

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