
Neele Miersch

Prof. Gert Trauernicht
Prof. Dr. Fabian Hemmert


1 19/20


Sewing Machine for Beginners

Sewing is currently enjoying great popularity. However, there are hardly any sewing machines on the market that support beginners. To understand how to use the sewing machine, external tutorials have to be looked up on the internet, where in many cases it is difficult to find instructions for a specific model.

This bachelor's thesis deals with making it easier for beginners to start sewing by keeping the first point of contact as uncomplicated as possible. The Lumos sewing machine facilitates the correct threading of the upper thread thanks to a light rail and creates a differentiation between the upper and lower thread by a structural separation. In addition, a better overview is created by having only the most necessary operating elements on the sewing machine. Automatic systems such as the automatic thread tensioner offer a better out of the box experience and make operation much easier. Matching accessories can also improve sewing results quickly and simplify handling for specific applications, such as sewing a zipper or sewing a hem evenly.

An app, which communicates with the sewing machine, enables the user to add further stitch types and to adjust the settings according to the user's level of knowledge. This way, after learning the operation, the sewing machine can learn and be adjusted more individually by the user. In the first steps, this app can also offer suitable tutorials and provide instructions for the correct use of the sewing machine.

With the help of these features the start of sewing can be made easier for everyone and after a short time the first sense of achievement is already there.

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