v.do 1

Jonas Grim

Prof. Gert Trauernicht


1 21/22


The "v.do 1" video doorbell is characterized by a sleek design with
design with taut surfaces that contrast with surrounding edges.
The wired device has a wide-angle camera and two infrared cameras for night recording.
The bell button and illuminated nameplate are located below, while the speaker and microphone are placed on the back of the device.
The wall mount supplies power to the bell via a cable receptacle and blends into the casing, leaving no mounting marks visible.
All functions can be controlled via app and integrated into the existing smart home network.
This and other features such as sharing of camera feeds makes the "v.do 1" durable and future-proof.

  • Ding  UWID

    Xin Wen

  • HomeBell  UWID

    Maëlise Jourdan

  • Athna  UWID

    Leon Affeldt <br> Leo von Boetticher <br> Jonathan Cohen Harel

  • yu bn  UWID

    yu bn
    Ninjee Barsaikhan