Prof. Dipl.-Des. Matthias Schönherr
Presentation technology / design development
since 2001
Professor at the University of Wuppertal
2000 - 2001
Interior designer at Dr.Ing.h.c.F.Porsche AG
1998 - 2000
Marketing specialist
1994 - 1999
Assistant at the Product Design program of the State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart
1989 - 1993
Designer / Arno Design GmbH, Wolfschlugen near Stuttgart
May 89
Moves to the FRG
1987 - 1989
Freelance designer in Halle an der Saale
1975 - 1979
Mechanic (except for basic military service)
1998 - 2000
Marketing studies
1979 - 1984
University for Industrial Design Halle,
Burg Giebichenstein/Diploma Designer
1977 - 1978
College of Engineering Zwickau/Hochschulreife
1976 - 1977
Basic military service
1973 - 1975
Apprenticeship mechanic/machine tool setter
1963 - 1973
Polytechnic secondary school Chemnitz/Mittlere Reife
Research and third-party funded projects
2018 - Tente industrial rollers
2009/2010 - FSB Brakel, design concept/door handle/door handle
2008 - Brockhaus-Heuer/design development clamping tool, vice
2007 - John Deere/interior concept, operating elements
2006 - Bosch/2 KG hammer drill
2004 - BSN Glass back/glass bottle design
2004 - Magura/Suspension fork for mountain bikes
2003 - Völkl/Ski and snowboard design
2002 - Cultcar AG/Vehicle graphics
Other activities
Summer school USM Haller (2004 to 2008)
Workshop creative drawing
Design work for various companies in the field of solar technology, air conditioning technology, agricultural machinery
Room: Building I, Level 16, Room 39
Phone: +49 202 439 -5787
Fax: +49 202 439 -5728
Visiting hours
Wednesday and Thursday from 16:30 and by appointment